My semester

To be honest, my semester has been very entertaining. I think the grace of this year has been that, being in my last semester of university with courses, I have been with much more time for other areas of my life and also to develop other aspects of my interest.

Being sincere, this semester has been very calm in my opinion, without many academic complications. The only thing that was a little more stressful, on a personal level, was what I dedicated to studying to render the PSU by the end of the second semester. The rest ok.

I have had more time than in other semesters to be able to read things of my interest, watch TV series or play computer. I have also spent more time with my family, and that is really nice. We were able to go out to eat together with my father and my mother, so all very well.

Of course, as always, the last weeks of the semester have been much heavier than the rest of the months, but all in an understandable effort and in my opinion perfectly manageable.

In addition, I have been able to collect some money, but I really think that I will go a spend all in gifts for this Christmas.

Independent of how nice it has been, I am anxious to be able to start a new phase of my life,  culminating my career completely and working, or studying a magister or another career. I want to be able to make progress on that, hopefully as soon as possible.


Well, honestly I don’t have very clear what would be my actually ambition. I think in my most urgent achieve, and that is it finished my career. Or hopefully have a good score in the PSU to study another career. If not, I think how get some scholarship to study a magister free of charge.

Thinking carefully, I consider my ambitions are related with academic topics. Sincerely, I’m not thinking in money, or find a job quickly. And in turn, I’m not interested in loving subjects.

What I need to achieve this ambition? Study! And move heaven and earth to get it jeje. I want to be quiet and calm in the future, socially speaking.

Who inspired me for it? I suppose that my family, but I don’t know if it is inspiration, I think is most linked with contribute me with advices, or support to take good decisions.  

I need manage my objectives; I think it would be have a magister or other career, in the period of four years, hopefully without debt, or low debt. I think is possible fulfil my ambition. I feel is a reasonable goal that I can accomplish. Also, I don’t have many impediments to get it.
Other target, but very different, is linked with the organizations of “Frente Amplio”. I would like these parties can progress more fast in its constitution process, and I would like contribute for they, any wich way.


Well, I really don't know whose could be my favourite hobbie.
I think that more than having a single hobby, I do different things to not be bored.
I like reading, listening music and sometimes playing computer games. And of course, different television programs or series. These “hobbies" make spend me a lot of my hours of the day, and sometimes I use them to sleep.
I guess the mix of all those things would be my hobbies.
Related with I read, in general I am open to everything, but I enjoy the texts of sociology or politics in general. I also like to read history. Related with music I listen reggaeton to relax me, but I also like other musical styles.
On computer games, I play ragnarok or pokemon in general. And in series or television programs there are some that for me are essential. For example, Father of Family, American Father, Futurama or the Simpsons for me are the best. Same with Malcolm. Now I'm watching a Pokemon's new series, which go up one chapter a week to youtube, and I am a hard follower of it.
Also, other series that I have seen this last year are Crown, One Piece, Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. Also, although now I have not seen it, House of Cards is one of my favorites. Netflix is ​​my faithful partner in the series, but if it fails, the reliable Youtube is always available.

It seems that in the end, TV shows are my favorite hobby haha

gladys marin

Who is the best Chilean of all time.
It's a very difficult question. Immediately coming to my head different names, all deserving of an important recognition by the State and also by the citizens of this country.

The truth is that in the different areas of social life it is possible to find great people who represent the best of those things.

If I have to choose one, I think I have a special respect for the figure of Gladys Marin. Historical Chilean communist leader, who had to lead a process and very complex period for communists in the country (after the fall of the wall, and being a minority opposition in Chile in the 1990s).

I have memories related to the figure of Gladys Marin since when I was a child. From my family working for her for the election of 1999, going to concentrations of very few people and sometimes to more massive acts (with the York League singing in the population the victory, for example) until, and unfortunately, the most complex moments for her, when she was near of die. I will never forget the large convoke that his funeral had. That day my mother went to look for me to school early to be able to go. It was extremely massive. I have never seen a funeral as massive as that of Gladys Marin.

In short, an extremely courageous woman, of principles and with a clear position to denounce the limits of the model, when practically nobody did it. All this combined with the enormous difficulties for women and non-heterosexuals when it comes to developing their lives in politics, in my opinion Gladys Marin is one of the main Chileans to rescue in our history.


Sincerely, it’s a very complicated quest for me. I love the food, so, I have many options to choose.
Ingredients apart from others, or difficult recipes, both are marvelous for me. Cheeses, cakes, complex plates, traditional plates, all are good.
I like cook, indeed, but I’m very bad for it. So, I prefer go to locals or restaurant for eat (I give thanks to my loved Junaeb’s card).
For the same reason, I watch many television programs (for example, MasterChef –in all of its variety- or Cooked in Netflix).
This pleasure with the food is shared with my mom and my dad. For example, with my parents frequently (one time for month approximately) we go to visit a new restaurant to taste different food.
I think the only type of food that I don’t like are shellfish, in general. Everything else, are great.
If be about Chilean’s food, the “Humitas” fascinates me. Perfectly, I can eat 3 or 4 as lunch. Now, I don’t bear corncob’s pie. If be about desserts, I love lemon pie, without a doubt my favorite.

If I have chosen one plate in particular, I think in lasagna. I request it a lot of times in restaurants. I adore it. Traditional lasagna, of course, nothing about vegetarian lasagna or similar. I want lasagna now! 


Although I have not had many jobs in my life, but I think choose one as the ideal job is very difficult.

For example, I would like be a notary, but I don’t want study five years the lawyer career.

Well, I think I have three ideal jobs (I consider excellent works) each one of them related about social sciences and administration.

The first ideal job is be a social science researcher, specialized in political relations, in education or in other area important for me.

The second, is being a public server, working in a municipality or public services dependent of a department.

Finally, I would like working related to the social science, but from a foundation or ONG, linked to the social problems existing in Chile.

These three careers are related with the social science, and in specific with the political science, public administration or sociology. Is for this reason, that I decided studied my actual career.

Now, of course, in the majority of these jobs, I need contacts (“pitutos”) for be able to have a good and calm situation (with stable job and good salary). And, unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of contacts haha.

In relation to the profit, I’m not interested (I don’t think) in win a lot of money, only that which is required to have a comfortable situation. So, I think the profit is related, essentially, to my personal vocation.

The great rupture

Well, actually i'm reading differents papers for the university, but, one author is very important for me, because her topics are linked with political situation in our country.

The author is Manuel Antonio Garreton, who wrote many articles in the last thirty years. In specific, I'm reading about the relation between politic and society, as reflected very well in her last book: the great rupture.

In the past, he write others papers and books linked with this topic, for example, "Unidad Popular: political conflict in Chile or "Chilean political process", both very good articles, but being her last book it's more updated with political environment and the actually discussions in the social sciences. It also includes a chapter about the changes in different social class in Chile.

The book it's divided in multiple chapters, most of them were written by prominent authors of sociology.
Besides, the text it's not so long, about two hundred pages.

I really enjoying with this book, because I'm interested in her analysis about the chilean society and its mutation. So, the utility of the text, for me, not only entertains me, besides helps me to approve subject.

Finally, I recommend reading this book for everyone who wants learn about the national situation, our problems and ours challenges as society.

My friend

Well, one of my best friends is certainly Jose Ignacio Herrera (Brito).

He is a student of anthropology, in this faculty. He is 23 and lives in Peñalolén.

We met in 2012, at student assemblies and also on Fridays after finished the classes.

We have many elements in common. We are interested in politics and also we like differents authors of social science,
in specially related with the marxism ( Marx, Gramsci, Faletto, etc).

Besides, we shared the importance of education for the country. We are interested in the student movement, and its political organizations.

In addition, we also like to go to parties together, and play computer games. Ragnarok Online or Age of Empires are our favorite games.

We speak every week, but before was much more.

We have some differences, for example, in the music we like or clothing style. In addition, we don't have many friends in common, perhaps because we studied different disciplines.

In general, however, they are very good times with him. I hope we continue our friendship even after university.

We have been thinking about the possibility of studying a new career together, but there is nothing concrete yet.

I think we would lose a lot of time if we study together, so better we will follow different paths jeje.


I have never gone out of Chile. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. But that’s extremely difficult, I settle for visit one country in the next decade (haha).

If it’s necessary to decide a place in specific, I would like go to Brazil. It’s the bigger country in the region, and has different places to go, very dissimilar between the north and the south, and its beaches are famous for his landscapes, white sands and transparent water. Besides, the country has one of the best universities in the world (University of Sao Paulo).

I don’t understand anything about Portuguese, but not long ago, my cousin went to Brazil, and he can help me to learn the language (I hope).

To be honest, I’m not interest in study/work/live there. I’m happy in Santiago, and I prefer live in my country with my family and our problems. 

About my favourite

I'm playing games in PC since 12 years ago.

My first game was pokemon, I  played  it in game advance's emulator.

I played different pokemon games in these years, until pokemon go, published  this year (2016).

Also, I used other emulators and games, particularly, two games are really important for me, and they give hours of entertainment and loss time.

The first game is Ragnarok Online. This videogame is a MMORPG, that is a game wherein compete with a multitude of people from different parts of the world, connected by internet.
I spend a lot of time, even money, althought don't worth, I really enjoy it.

The second game important for me is the Age of Empires, a historical strategic game. It's possible to play it online or as a single player, fighting against the Computer.  I'm very bad in this game, but I like it so much because I have fun with my friends of school.

This post is really nerd , but I have to pass english haha